We here at AFAS are hoping you had an opportunity to enjoy some live music over the weekend. If not, we’re sure that you’ve had the radio on lately to listen to some music. You may have heard some advertisements about a ‘new’ minimally invasive tight rope procedure to correct bunion deformity along with your music. Let’s talk a little bit about the Tightrope procedure for bunions before you decide to get your bunion fixed.

What Is the Tightrope Procedure for Bunions?

Tightrope Procedure for BunionsThe Tightrope Procedure for bunions is a minimally invasive surgery that realigns the big toe using a strong fiber suture, providing stability and reducing recovery time compared to traditional methods.

Bunions are a complicated problem. There are many factors that affect if you will get one and how quickly it will progress to pain or discomfort. As foot specialists, podiatrists learn that there are many different angles of motion that are affected. Your podiatrist needs to assess many facets of your deformity before discussing procedures that will correct the deformity and stop it from reoccurring. The ‘tight rope’ procedure attempts to correct one of these angles. There are bones behind each of your toes that are known as metatarsals. One of the angles that must be corrected during bunion surgery is the Inter-Metatarsal (IM) angle or the angle between the first and second metatarsals. The IM angle between your 1st and 2nd metatarsals must be addressed with almost all bunion procedures, but it is only one of the components of this multi-faceted problem.

Is It Right for You?

Because this procedure relies on the 2nd metatarsal to hold the 1st in better alignment, weak bones or patients with osteoporosis may not be candidates for this type of surgery. The technique was first used to hold the smaller of your leg bones to the larger in order to heal. Unlike that procedure, a quick x-ray of the foot shows the 1st metatarsal much larger than the 2nd. The bone holding the deforming tensions is the smaller 2nd. This fact should make it no surprise that a common complication with this tightrope procedure is a fracture of the 2nd metatarsal. While the tightrope procedure may allow you to walk soon after surgery, a broken 2nd metatarsal will quickly put you in a non-weight-bearing cast and may require another surgical procedure. Both these things will keep you off your feet for some time. Not every patient has this type of complication, but it is a significant one if you’re choosing this procedure because you won’t have to stay off your feet. Please discuss this procedure along with others and consider the risks, alternatives, and complications of all. We feel that the more informed you are, the better outcome you will have!

Are You Looking for a Bunion Specialist in Austin, TX?

If you are looking for bunion care, you should reach out to an experienced podiatristAustin Foot and Ankle Specialists can help. Our office provides a wide variety of advanced, effective treatment options for all kinds of painful conditions. Ready to schedule an appointment? Contact us online or call our Austin office at 512.328.8900 today.

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Craig Thomajan
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Austin Podiatrist
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